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Parental Kidnapping

Preventative and Responsive Measures

Child abduction cases are very serious legal matters that involve both civil and criminal laws at the state, national, and international levels. Parental abductions may range from parents who flee with a child temporarily in the hopes of gaining an advantage in a custody dispute, to parents who cross state or international lines with the intent to permanently deprive the other parent of their parental rights. Here at Arnold & Cain PA, protecting our clients and their families is of our highest concern. Depending upon the specific circumstances of your case, the Minneapolis divorce attorneys at Arnold & Cain PA can help you navigate your options looking at both preventative and responsive measures of a child abduction issue.

Hague Convention Attorneys

Arnold & Cain PA has handled domestic, interstate, and international parental abduction and prevention cases across the United States, Canada, Mexico, South America, Europe, Africa, New Zealand, and parts of Asia and the Middle East. Depending on the nature of your case, the attorneys at Arnold & Rodman PA can work with you to develop a plan to address your international family law concerns in conjunction with foreign counsel as appropriate.

Experience, Compassion, Solutions

Alongside the experience of handling child abduction and prevention cases both domestically and internationally, the attorneys at Arnold & Cain PA specialize exclusively in the practice of family law, which gives them a compassionate, family first approach to the law. Here at Arnold & Cain PA, we understand the importance of family and the lengths needed to go to protect it. The attorneys at Arnold & Rodman PA are well versed in child abduction and prevention law, including Hague Convention cases, and will work with you through every step of the process to find a solution that best protects your family’s future. If you are facing or expect to face a parental kidnapping issue, call our office today at 952-955-8008 to schedule an initial consultation with an attorney who has the skills and knowledge needed to provide solutions to your family’s unique situation.